Strengthen United of Working Class and Peasant “STOP SEIZURE WAGES, WORKS and LANDS “
PERS RELEASE Federation of Independent Trade Union On Celebrate : INTERNATIONAL LABOUR DAY (MAY DAY) 2009 Strengthen United of Working Cla...
Federation of Independent Trade Union
On Celebrate :
Strengthen United of Working Class and Peasant
Today, all working class and peoples in worldwide will celebrate one heroic moment and historic as well as Indonesia working class, with general propose to struggle social, economic and political base rights is thrown out and seized by Reactionary regime in various countries, particular in a colony and a half colony country and depands with foreign debt like Indonesia.
May day as one history moment in struggle tradition from working class in US Amerika againts to extortionist and bloodsuckers class (Capital owner) as well as extend to countries europe with the biggest demonstration was began in 1886, is demanded 8 work hours per day. These demand related with the condition at the time, when the workers class under condition working for 12 to 16 hours per day in worse working condition.
Spirit of May day until now still relevance for workers and labours class in Indonesia to keep set an example and exuberance of spirit, keep in mind that condition today do not different with the condition and situation on 1886 just in different form. Above all today the worldwide attacked the global crisis as well as Indonesia experienced wide impact consequence these global crisis.
The fincancial Crisis in US Amerika already to bring disorder to several hedge fund and Financial Institute in various imperialism countries. Lunge of financial crisis in US Amerika to extend quickly in fact the biggest hedge fund like Yamato in Japan experienced bankrupt. Government of United Kingdom on September 29, 2008 must take over Bradford & Bingley as well as provided fund stimulus amount 50 billions poundsterling (about US$ 87 billions). The Government of German on October 03, 2008, have to pour US$ 68 billions to propped Hypo Real Estate.
Destruction of financial sector to extend to industry sector finally. Automotive sector like General Motors, BMW, Ford, Crhysiller, have to decreased and stopped the production because automotive market become weak consequence crisis. About 1.400 workers IT Yahoo have part of 51 millions workers who already fired according to ILO's reports. Meanwhile, in Indonesia according to data's government there are 3 millions workers who already fired consequence these crisis.
Because of that, the real impact consequence of global economic crisis is workers and poor peoples in various country in the third world like Indonesia. The Indonesia workers faced Cheap wages and Fire. Joint Regulation of Four Ministry (PB 4 Ministry) as tool used by regime of SBY-JK to " Seize Worker Wages". This things could proof with there are 230 companies were to put off realization Minimum Wages year of 2009, meanwhile prices of basic need to increased even the national fuel price have decreased.
From the condition mention above, then proper Indonesia peoples and working class must struggle together to the endsuffering and torment consequence oppression and exploitation by Imperialism is lead by US Amerika through their capital and debt foreign used Government of Indonesia is lead by regime SBY-JK as well as accomplice of US imperialism.
Therefore, according to objective condition that feel by Workers and all Indonesia people today, then in celebrate International Labour Day (May Day) 2009, we are workers united in Federation of Independent Trade Union (GSBI), to assert to Government of Indonesia to "Stop Seizure Wages, Work and Land" and demands :
- Stop Lay-off ;
- Increase worker wages;
- Stop Seizure Lands;
- Refuse and demand to stop Contract and Outsourcing System;
- Demand to government to provide Work Field with Living Wages for All Indonesia Peoples;
- Stop criminalization to workers and workers activist as well as peasant, who struggle for economic-social rights and democration civil rights;
- Guarantee and uphold the Freedom of Association, united, as well as release peasant activist and human defender who arrest by polices because struggled for economic-social and political rights without condition;
- Demand Free Education for Childrends of workers, peasant workers and poor peasant and inexpensive fund to unniversity for all Peoples;
- Abrogate Education Law Body and Realization 20% Education Estimate from National Fund Income Estimate;
- Demand conformity of wages and Social Security for Women Workers as well as Service and Family/Reproduction Health Facility is inexpensive, equal and have a quality;
Stop condemnation of small trader and given freedom to small trader in carry out their economic activities; - Demand Abrogate Act No. 13 Year of 2003 concerning Manpower, Act no. 02 Year of 2004 concerning Industrial Relation Dispute Settlement, Draft of Manpower Social Security as well as Act no. 39 Year of 2004 concerning Protection and Placement Indonesia Migrant Workers in Foreign, as economic liberalization regulation and to torment Indonesia people;
- Demand to Erasing all Fee Overcharging is loaded to Migrant workers;
- Demand to Dismiss or Close Terminal Special for Migrant Workers;
- Demand to ratify UN convention year 1990 concerning Protection for Indonesia Migrant workers and Family and demand to abrogate and erasing Bilateral MOU is signed by government of Indonesia with countries reciaver Indonesia migran workers who did not protection and respected Indonesia migran workers rights;
- Demand legalization of lands is useful by peasant, and demand land reform as well as give protection and provide inexpensive agriculture production, and demand to increase price of agriculture produce;
- Demand and Refuse all privatization form to national assets and State Corporation (BUMN);
- Demand to government to build strength national industry, independent and serve to interest of all Indonesia people;
- Demand to Arrest, to judge and confiscate corruptor's wealth, include judge the employer who violating Based Workers Rights;
- Demand and Refuse intervention of ADB, WB, IMF, WTO and others International Financial Fund toward Indonesia economic and political policy, include refuse debt foreign;
Long Live Indonesia Workers!!!
Long Live Indonesia Peoples!!!
Worker Class in the Worldwide, United!!!
Jakarta, May 1, 2009
Rudy HB Daman Emelia Yanti MD. Siahaan
Chairperson General Secretary
Federation of Independent Trade Union -GSBI
“ International Labour Day (MAY DAY) 2009 “
Build Solidarity, Against Oppression
Jl. Raya Lenteng Agung No. 02 RT.004/03 Srengseng Sawah Jakarta Selatan 12640
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