Solidarity Message for PEMANTIK-KMU
GSBI Solidarity Message for PEMANTIK-KMU To All Members and Leaders PEMANTIK-KMU in Cabuyao, Laguna Philippine Solidarity Greetings, On beh...
GSBI Solidarity Message for PEMANTIK-KMU
To All Members and Leaders
PEMANTIK-KMU in Cabuyao, Laguna
Solidarity Greetings,
On behalf of the Central Executive Board and All members of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI), we express our gratitude to given GSBI chance to be able to take part to send Solidarity message in Commemorate of 5th years of death Comrate Diosdado "Ka Fort" Fortuna which killed tona by foot from the hands of brutal regime in the Philippines.
Of course we fully understand that Anniversary of 5th years the death Comrade "Ka Fort" is not only intended to commemorate the death of a worker fighter who have sacrificed His life and soul for the enforcement of worker’s democratic rights but more reminiscent to all of us, especially workers class, peasant and other poor people in the Philippines that a ruling regime in a country more willing to be a stooge of the imperialists (Nestle Phillips, Co) rather than take sides and protect the interests of its own people, it has been shown by the regime by allowing the deprivation of worker’s democratic rights up to the brutal murders.
As we believe as well as comrade KMU believe that fate and life of worker class and other poor people in the semi Feudal and Colony such as Indonesia and Philippines will continue to be worse and oppressed by the ruling regime who prefer to serve the foreign Capital or Imperialist that lead by U.S and its allies. Workers Class, peasant, and Poor Peoples has always been victim by compradors regime and Imperialism.
Then, Commemorate of 5th years the death Our Comrade Diosdado "Ka Fort" Fortuna should be a momentum and a new spirit for All of us, especially KMU’s members as well as Nestle workers to continue the struggle that has been done by comrade "Ka Fort" until the true victory that can we took and enjoyed by all workers class and people in the Philippines.
Keep Fighting and to build the spirit and build the international solidarity among workers class in the world.
Long Life International Solidarity,
Long Life Working Class in The World
Imperialism, destroy , Feudalism, crushed
Capitalist Bureaucrats, Enemy of People
Mabuhay Mangagawa !!!
Makibaka !!!
Jakarta, 17 September 2010
Maraming Salamat,
Central Executive Board
Federation of Independent Trade Union
Rudy HB Daman
Emelia Yanti MD. Siahaan
General Secretary
Dewan Pimpinan Pusat
Gabungan Serikat Buruh Independen
(Federation of Independent Trade Union)
JL. Cempaka Baru V No. 30-A RT. 001/07
Kel,Cempaka Baru, Jakarta Pusat,10640
Indonesia, Phone/Fax :+6221- 4223824
Email :
Blog :
To All Members and Leaders
PEMANTIK-KMU in Cabuyao, Laguna
Solidarity Greetings,
On behalf of the Central Executive Board and All members of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI), we express our gratitude to given GSBI chance to be able to take part to send Solidarity message in Commemorate of 5th years of death Comrate Diosdado "Ka Fort" Fortuna which killed tona by foot from the hands of brutal regime in the Philippines.
Of course we fully understand that Anniversary of 5th years the death Comrade "Ka Fort" is not only intended to commemorate the death of a worker fighter who have sacrificed His life and soul for the enforcement of worker’s democratic rights but more reminiscent to all of us, especially workers class, peasant and other poor people in the Philippines that a ruling regime in a country more willing to be a stooge of the imperialists (Nestle Phillips, Co) rather than take sides and protect the interests of its own people, it has been shown by the regime by allowing the deprivation of worker’s democratic rights up to the brutal murders.
As we believe as well as comrade KMU believe that fate and life of worker class and other poor people in the semi Feudal and Colony such as Indonesia and Philippines will continue to be worse and oppressed by the ruling regime who prefer to serve the foreign Capital or Imperialist that lead by U.S and its allies. Workers Class, peasant, and Poor Peoples has always been victim by compradors regime and Imperialism.
Then, Commemorate of 5th years the death Our Comrade Diosdado "Ka Fort" Fortuna should be a momentum and a new spirit for All of us, especially KMU’s members as well as Nestle workers to continue the struggle that has been done by comrade "Ka Fort" until the true victory that can we took and enjoyed by all workers class and people in the Philippines.
Keep Fighting and to build the spirit and build the international solidarity among workers class in the world.
Long Life International Solidarity,
Long Life Working Class in The World
Imperialism, destroy , Feudalism, crushed
Capitalist Bureaucrats, Enemy of People
Mabuhay Mangagawa !!!
Makibaka !!!
Jakarta, 17 September 2010
Maraming Salamat,
Central Executive Board
Federation of Independent Trade Union
Rudy HB Daman
Emelia Yanti MD. Siahaan
General Secretary
Dewan Pimpinan Pusat
Gabungan Serikat Buruh Independen
(Federation of Independent Trade Union)
JL. Cempaka Baru V No. 30-A RT. 001/07
Kel,Cempaka Baru, Jakarta Pusat,10640
Indonesia, Phone/Fax :+6221- 4223824
Email :
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