SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG Statement Towards Statement Letter From PSP SPN PT Busana Prima Global
PTP SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG Statement Towards Statement Letter From PSP SPN PT BPG Democracy Regards !! We are The official of Shoes, Textile a...
Towards Statement Letter From PSP SPN PT BPG
Democracy Regards !!
We are The official of Shoes, Textile and Garment Union Labor – Federation of Independent Trade Union of PT Busana Prima Global (PTP SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG) addressed on di Jln. Raya Mercedez Benz No. 223 A Cicadas Gn. Putri Kab. Bogor – Indonesia, hirewith intended to following up the Statement Letter from and made by PSP SPN PT BPG, dated on Mei 11, 2011. Which we has received the PSP SPN PT BPG Statement Letter from our international friends indirectly who forwarded it to us recently. The PSP SPN PT BPG states :”fully support the Management of PT BPG to take the assertiveness law for companies and employees in general which mean executed the-7 Official of SBGTS –GSBI PT BPG and refuse to re hire the-7 Official of SBGTS –GSBI PT BPG at PT BPG”. By saying the-7 Official of SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG had violated the Collective Labor Agreement chapter 66 verse 18 :“Every worker who will leave the factory during working hours either because of official business, private or family must obtain written permission from the head of the company through the Supervisor”.
In fact, everything stated by PT BPG SPN was false. The actual situation was that the PTP SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG was in the midst of efforts to support PT Busana Prima Global workers’ normative rights. Violations of these rights have taken place and continue to take place within the BPG workplace.
These violations took place, chronologically, as follows:
1. Time Working Violation
1.1. The Working Time should be start at 07.30 and the lunch time/rest time is an hour, which it start at 11.45 and finished at 12.45 in the afternoon, but in fact The working time applicable at PT BPG are : Start Working time is on 07.15 in the morning and lunch time/rest time is at 11.45 until 12.30 in the afternoon it is had stolen each 15 minutes every day.
1.2. Was the columb target in sewing amounted 16 columb, in one hours is divided in to 2 times deposit every 30 minutes, PT BPG system is 8 hours a day. But now PT BPG has changed from 16 columbs in to 19 columbs which it makes the labor force to work faster in 25 minutes with the same target when it 30 minutes .
1.3. There is over time at PT Busana Prima Global but not less than 2 hours and get over time wages, but it is just to deal the laborers which are did over time without wages, so they/PT BPG can proofed that they/PT BPG did pay the laborers over time wages.
1.4. The over time without wages at PT BPG nowdays can more than 3 hours.
2. The Violation of Human Rights
The supervisor at PT BPG always do intimidation in verbal trough the laborers to maximize the target, by hit the screwdriver to the pole machine and spelled very rude word and unpolitely as perform from the intimidation, thus creating an atmosphere that is very uncomfortable. It was all done to force the laborers to work until they/laborers can reach the target.
3. The Temporary/Un-permanent Laborers Normatif Right Violation
3.1. PT Busana Prima Global stop all allowance for temporary workers since 2007. Quote a Government Regulation of 1981 and the Principles of the Law mention : "all right / allowance provided should not be eliminated, because by itself become normative, such as meal allowances, transport allowances for the temporary laborers which are not take transportation bus, premiums present and birth leave
3.2. Minimum wages for District Bogor in 2010 are RP. 1.056.414,-/person/month, but at PT BPG the temporary laborers accepted for Rp. 792,686,-/ person/month.. And the minimum wages in 2011 also a form of discrimination to temporary laborers which the minimum wages in 2011 are RP. 1.172.060,-/person/month but at PT BPG the temporary laborers accepted for Rp. 879.045,-/ person/month. actually the minimum wages applies to all laborers including temporary laborers
4. Difficulty license
When an employee asks for permission because of an urgent matter (such as sick children, deceased parents, sick spouse) this will impeded in numerous ways, for example there are targets and export schedules which cannot be delayed. In some cases it’s only when the employee agrees to a wage deduction that permission is granted.
In response to these issues, it has become PT. BPG SBGTS-GSBI union’s obligation to undertake various attempts to affect improved working conditions and standards at PT Busana Prima Global by creating harmony in the working relationship between employees and employers at PT Busana Prima Global. Therefore, as the PT. BPG SBGTS-GSBI union we delivered a first, second and third Clarification Request Letter to PT. Busana Prima Global to inquire and requesting clarification in relation to the violations that took place in PT Busana Prima Global. We not only asked for answers but also asked that PT Busana Prima Global improve work conditions and standards at the workplace. Responding to these letters, BPG management was evasive about any violations having taken place. In other words, they did not acknolwedge the existance of violations at PT. BPG and did not pay any attention to our letters.
This was the basis of the termination of the seven official of PTP SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG, who according to the statement of PSP SPN PT BPG union had violated the PT BPG CBA Regulation, Article 66 section 18, which states: “every worker that leaves the factory during working hours whether because of his/her work duties or a personal or family matter has to have written permission from company leadership via their supervisor.”
Considering that the seven members PTP SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG were acting outside of working hours and were not in the midst of work/production activities in the production line during production hours [when they took leave], and that furthermore they had notified of their absence through letter written officially by PTP SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG delivered to the security of PT BPG and addressed to the company CEO of PT BPG. This is different to the accusations made by PSP SPN PT BPG which by referred Article 66 point 18 in PT BPG’s CBA. In truth, the termination executed by PT BPG management was can act of revenge against PTP SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG activities aimed at striving and fighting for normative rights at PT BPG. As a consequence of the organisational work carried out PTP SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG, the company management of PT Busana Prima Global issued repeated sanctions starting from warning letters which were not clearly numbered, to not allowing workers to go back to work to their respective departments, implementing salary reductions, moving workers between departments or from non shifted working hours to shifted working hours, suspending workers and finally their termination on 19 January 2010. Termination on this basis is a form of intimidation and discrimination that is carried out by PT BPG management to the the seven members of the PT BPG SBGTS-GSBI union in view of destroying its existence at PT BPG. This has proved to be a continuing occurrence—the management’s termination of workers at PT BPG that become the leader of the SBGTS. This has taken place since 2003. To date (including the seven aforementioned members) SBGTS leadership has faced dismissal at PT BPG of our sparate occasions.
This contrasts with the position of the SPN union at PT BPG, who always have facilities provided by the company, including a union office within the factory and have experienced ease in obtaining dispensation without impediments from PT BPG management.
We as, PTP SBGTS-GSBI PT BPG wish to convey with this letter the following statement :
1. We the PT BPG SBGTS-GSBI Union regret and very much lament the behaviour of PT BPG SPN union which has not sided in interest of workers’ welfare, and is far from reflecting union and campaign norms. This is demonstrated in the statement issued by PT BPG union with sides with the PT BPG company decision to terminate the seven members of PT BPG SBGTS-GSBI union who were in the midst of improving working conditions and standards at PT BPG.
2. As such we criticise PT BPG SPN union for having produced and dispatched a statement opposing the seven members of PT BPG SBGTS-GSBI union who were in the midst of carrying out organisational work as a function of their union. We ask that they withdraw this statement and apologise to PT BPG SBGTS-GSBI union and the GSBI secretariat.
PT BPG SNP union action of producing and dispatching its letter in opposition to the seven members of PT BPG SBGTS-GSBI union returning to work at PT BPG, has damaged the meaning of a genuine union struggle, in which unions function to fight for workers’ normative rights, as what has happened is the opposite. The statement was produced without clear and concrete evidence, and without any real consideration. PT BPG SPN union should have been able to cooperate in creating good working conditions and standards at PT BPG together with the PT BPG SBGTS-GSBI union, rather than siding with company policies that actually exploit PT BPG workers.
3. We respectfully request that the SPN secretariat deliver a notice and warning to PT BPG SPN union which demonstrably supported the company policies which are anti-unions and anti-democracy. We also ask for support in our case opposing the one-sided termination of the seven leaders of PT BPG SBGTS-GSBI and cooperation in fighting for workers’ welfare, particularly at PT BPG.
This is our position statement which we have produced and delivered in order to obtain attention from all sides, especially the SPN secretariat so that you are able to monitor SPN workplace unions in various companies, particularly SPN at PT BPG, so that it carries out its function as a union and prioritises the normative rights of workers rather than siding with company policies that suppress workers, especially the policies of PT Busana Prima Global.
Long live labor!!
United labor cannot be defeated!!
Solidarity to fight suppression!!
Bogor, 22 August 2011
Kurbana Yastika
General Secretary