Statement GSBI:Denouncing the shooting of workers Freeport Indonesia
Statement: Central Executive Board Gabungan Serikat Buruh Independen (GSBI) Federation of Independent Trade Union No: 025-Per.Sikap...
Central Executive Board
Gabungan Serikat Buruh Independen (GSBI)
Federation of Independent Trade Union
No: 025-Per.Sikap/DPP.GSBI/JKT/X/2011
GSBI strongly condemned the brutal acts and shooting that carried out by police officers to the workers of Freeport Indonesia who carried out demonstration so that killed one workers and six other workers are injured seriously.
Central Executive Board
Gabungan Serikat Buruh Independen (GSBI)
Federation of Independent Trade Union
No: 025-Per.Sikap/DPP.GSBI/JKT/X/2011
GSBI strongly condemned the brutal acts and shooting that carried out by police officers to the workers of Freeport Indonesia who carried out demonstration so that killed one workers and six other workers are injured seriously.
The Government and PT Freeport Indonesia must take responsibility toward Shooting Incidents that occurred in Tembaga Pura, Papua.
Solidarity greetings,
Solidarity greetings,
Today (Monday, October 10, 2011) Thousands of workers of PT. Freeport Indonesia carried out their further strike to demanding increasing wage and equal pay; Collective Bargaining Agreement, as well as improved working conditions. Beside that, the further action is in response to the policy of PT. Freeport Indonesia which hire new workers from outside of Papua to replace thousands of workers who are on strike since September 15, 2011 last. The demonstration aslo aimed to demand the management of Freeport Indonesia to stop operation while time until there any re-negosiation between Union and management, as well as Freeport Indonesia willing to fulfil the workers demands. Demands to stop operation of mining for while time is one of recommendation of Representative Council of Papuan Peoples (MPR) at a meeting on Thursday (october 6, 2011) in Jayapura, Papua. In addition, the management of Freeport Indonesia also did not provide the salaries to about 8000 workers who involved strike since last month.
As has been preached by many in the media and direct information from Workers of Freeport that GSBI received, that the peace actions by of thousands of workers of PT. Freeport Indonesia, actually answered with an attitude of arrogance of management by deploying hundreds of police officer who continue to obstructing and tried to disperse thousands of workers' action so that violent clashes and shootings occurred that resulted one workers was death, namely Petrus Ayamseba (36 years).
So that the incident clashed and violence can not be avoided when thousands of workers arrived at the entrance of Terminal Gorong gorong, thousands of workers confronted with police to blocked the thousands of workers go to inside the location. About at 09:20 CEST, when a worker who is the owner of customary rights PT.Freeport Indonesia doing speeches, the police began to take action to provocation and the shooting of the workers from a distance of 15 meters, for 5-20 minutes. Resulted of this brutal shooting incident, a worker named Peter Ayamseba (36 yrs), was died with a wound on the left arm after being hit by bullets that are released by police and six others worker were injured seriously .
Peter Ayamseba is a workers of PT. Freeport Indonesia who working in Catering section. In addition Peter Ayamseba, six other workers who suffered serious injuries, shot in the back section, leg and chest. Here are the names of workers who were injured, Leo Wandagau, Alius Komba, Melkias Rumbiak, Jonah Nguluduan, Philliton Kogoya, and Ahamad Mustofa. And until now the all of victims are still Hospitalized in Timika with distance about 6 km from location of incident.
The security do not allowed the workers to see the victims who were injured For the incident that occurred in Freeport Indonesia and brief description above, we are on behalf of Central Executive Board of Federation of Independent Trade Union (DPP.GSBI) submit a statement as follows :
1. GSBI strongly condemned the brutal acts and shooting that carried out by police officers to the workers of Freeport Indonesia who carried out demonstration so that killed one workers and six other workers are injured seriously;
2. Urges the Government in this regard the President of Indonesia and the Minister of Manpower immediately to take follow-serious to resolve industrial conflict and legal violations committed by PT. Freeport Indonesia;
3. Demandig and urges to PT. Freeport Indonesia to immediately fulfill all the workers demands and especially the rise in wage and equality of wage, as well as immediately to stop hiring new labor to replace about 8000 workers who are running the strike;
4. Demanding and urges to Management of Freeport Indonesia to stop all forms of violence, terror, intimidation and threats by using the civilians, the police and military;
5. Urges the Police of Indonesian to immediately stop the violence and shootings against thousands of workers of PT. Freeport Indonesia and demanding the police do not become a shield backing of PT.Freeport Indonesia and to conduct terror, intimidation: threats and shootings against the workers of PT Freeport Indonesia, which is running labor strike in demanding their rights.
Thus this statement we convey to be actionable, and we also call to all Trade Unions in Indonesia; defender for human rights and democracy to provide solidarity support to the struggle of thousands of workers of PT. Freeport Indonesia and convey the protest to the management of PT. Freeport Indonesia in Jakarta; Papua and to headquarters office of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc, in New Orleans, United State of America. And send a protest letter addressed to the Government of Indonesia in particular President, Minister of Manpower and to Chief of Police of Indonesia, to provide the protection to thousands of workers and immidiately to take serious action on violation of human rights and law committed by Freeport Indonesia.
Stop to Grabbing on Wage, Work and Lands;
Stop Union Busting;
Raise Wage of Workers of Freeport Indonesia
Jakarta, October 10, 2011
Central Executive Board
Federation of Independent Trade Union
Rudi HB. Daman Emelia Yanti MD. Siahaan
Chairperson General Sekretaris