The report ignored, a union made a complaint to National Contact Point (NCP) OECD of South Korea
The trade union of garment textiles and shoes PT. Busana Prima Global (SBGTS PT BPG) through the national executive board of feder...
The trade union of garment textiles and shoes PT. Busana Prima Global
(SBGTS PT BPG) through the national executive board of federation of
independent trade union (DPP GSBI) as the upper organization, make a complaint
plan to National Contact Point (NCP) OECD of South Korea. This is related to
breach of that occurred at PT. Busana Prima Global, like a working time
violation, wages payment implementation, freedom of association and layoff to
the workers and union leader, which happened in January 2011. A seven leader of
SBGTS PT. BPG becomes a victim by a company. Tragically, during a dispute their
wages are not paid.
PT. Busana Prima Global (BPG), is a company that produced a export clothing
with a famous brand to europe, america and asia. PT. BPG located at Mercedes
Benz street 223 A, Cicadas-Gunung Putri, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia.
Until now, there was not change and
improvement happened at BPG. The violation still happen, even pressure to the
workers tends to increase, thus making their restless. Bogor manpower
department is expected to perform the duties, to investigation and monitoring
on the contrary also working with the company, issued a statement that SBGTS
PT. BPG haven't a members, without asking a union to explain that. A
complaint plan to NCP OECD of South Korea will done because the report which
made by SBGTS PT BPG to the Bogor Manpower Department always ignored.
According Ismet Inoni, a head of advocacy and law department of GSBI, this
is a alternative ways will be do by GSBI with consider this company owned by a
citizen of South Korea where's this country is a member of OECD.
Furthermore, in
effort to strengthen this complaint, GSBI will gathering a support from other
institution and organization in Europe, America, Australia and South Korea who
have a concern in labour issues. We also asking a support from CCC, WRC, OXFAM
and KHIS from South Korea, remember that organization have a concern in labour
issues and international campaign all this time. A cooperation between GSBI and
the other organization which have a concern in labour issues not only happened
at this time, just the opposite this international campaign cooperation has
already done before, Ismet continued.