Week of action against Workers & Trade Union Repression
http://workins.wordpress.com/2012/11/19/photobooth/ Week of action against Workers & Trade Union Repression Add your images to o...

Week of action against Workers & Trade Union Repression
Add your images to our photo booth!
A Workers International Struggle Initiative
On November 16, 2004, police and soldiers opened fire on a mass
picket of 6,000 sugar workers and their families at the Hacienda
Luisita, Tarlac, in the Philippines. Seven people were 7 killed and over
100 wounded in the fusillade. In the following months, many more union
leaders and their community supporters – lawyers, priests, and elected
municipal councilors – were assassinated and killed thru extra-judicial
means. The workers and communities at Hacienda Luisita are still
pursuing their claims to land and workplace justice.
This day – November 16 – has been chosen to mark the struggle against
trade union repression in the Philippines and world-wide by the trade
union section of the International League of Peoples Struggles, and by
the campaign network WORKINS – the Workers International Struggle
Below is the report by the International Trade Union Confederation on
trade union repression in 2011. It is a shocking account of the
violence used against organised workers in many countries to stop their
efforts to win decent jobs and democratic rights. We already know that
in 2012 the death toll has remained very high in many countries. We have
to increase our efforts to stop this!
WORKINS urges your union or you as a union activist to take part in
our simple web-based project to bring to life our anger at this
repression and to use this project to mobilise more action in response
to the ongoing attacks against workers and trade unions.
It is simple. Just create a placard which reads like this:
I / our union condemns repression of trade unions and we support …… (here describe your union campaign objectives)
Example: I / our union condemn/s trade union repression and I / we support the fight against contractualization and precarious work!
Hold this placard up yourself or in a group, take a photo, and send it to ilps.commission5@gmail.com
The pictures will then be posted at our photo booth at http://workins.wordpress.com
This project will run until November 16, 2013 so keep on sending inspiring images!